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Over ⇔ 25 years ⇔ of market research have left their marks!

More than 200 clients have come along through our successful path, some of them from the beginning. 

Many thanks at this stage for your trust.

Today we are proud to look back at our accomplishments:


  • 1991  Establishment of the company
  • 1995  Rollout of the trend barometer
  • 1996  Setup of a call centre with 10 CATI positions
  • 1997  Award for innovative Marketing from Marketing Club e.V.
  • 1997  First Internet research on the subject of advertising on the internet
  • 1998  First electoral broadcast with occasion of the 1998 congress elections 
  • 1999  Formation of the COBUS Consulting corporate division
  • 2000  100 television broadcasts of the COBUS-Trendbarometer
  • 2002  Award for the best Internet appearance: Top Business Site 2002
  • 2004  Appointment as a lecturer in Market Research at the Hochschule für Technik & Wirtschaft und BA in Karlsruhe
  • 2005  Expansion of the premises located in Karlsruhe
  • 2006  Amplification of our call centre to 20 CATI positions and 7 CAPI positions
  • 2007  Aufbau eines Kooperationsnetzwerkes mit osteuropäischen Partnern
  • 2008  Ausbau unser CATI Aktivitäten weltweit und Erweiterung auf 20 CAPI-Plätze
  • 2010  Kooperation mit dem Wirtschaftmagazin econo zum Thema Wirtschaftsbarometer
  • 2011  Implementierung der Qualitätsnorm ISO 20252
  • 2012  COBUS wird 20 Jahre
  • 2014  10 Jahre "Marktanalysen und Trends"
  • 2015  Kooperation mit der Deutschen Post im Bereich Direkt Marketing
  • 2017  COBUS wird 25 Jahre