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We provide you with a technical infrastructure (CATI, CAPI, Online, Eyescanning..........) to conduct all sort of market research projects with established methods, both national and international.

We can conduct in-depth interviews and group discussion in our studio for you.


Whether analysis or advanced consulting, we, COBUS Marktforschung, offer you with our experienced personnel, competence in the diverse subjects of market research.


C. A. P. I. (Computer Aided Personal Interviewing) enables simple, quick and mobile market research. Surveys can be carried out on site even including random testing in little time. 

We have 20 C.A.P.I. systems available und and extensive experience in B2B and B2C surveys.


By means of mobile data capture devices (PDA / Pocket PC), we conduct personal surveys in trade fairs, shopping centres, specialty retail shops or pedestrian areas.  



C. A. T. I. (Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing) enables simple, quick and inexpensive market research. Surveys can be carried out including random testing in little time. Thus you save money and time.


We have 20 C.A.T.I. systems available und and extensive experience in B2B and B2C surveys.   


Choosing the “right” business partner is not easy because you have to consider:

Market research is not always the same. The quality of a market survey determines the further, target-oriented strategies of your company and therefore its achievements.

As a member of the German Professional Association of Market and Social Researchers, in German Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e. V. (BVM), and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) we offer you the guarantee that with COBUS MARKTFORSCHUNG you have a partner on your side who displays the experience and skills required, and acts following the guidelines of its profession.

The quality checks and continuing training of our staff members guarantee you, our clients, the highest quality.


We have projected for autumn 2007 to obtain the DIN 20252 certification and thus to be part of the few German market research agencies which conform to this standard.

Group discussions

In our discussion room equipped with a camera, discussions can be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, especially if individual contributions are particularly requested.

We arrange round table talks which are conducted by experienced members of staff. We present you the results in the form of a detailed report.